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sextigra74 50 yo
Ukraine, ,
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Woman
Preferred age
from 18 to 80 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
  • Marriage and family
  • One-night stands
  • Regular sex partner
  • Virtual sex
  • Photo and video exchange
Marital status
In a relationship
Material support
Prefer not to say
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Own automobile
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  • Русский
Ty tol'ko cto vysla iz dusa, otdel'nye kapel'ki soskal'zyvaut po tvoim bozestvennym plecam, nemnogo zaderzivaas' pered stremleniem k tvoim cuvstvitel'nym oreolam, kotorye uze davno vozbuzdeny i zazdut laski, kapel'ki vlagi perelivautsa na koncikah tvoih pritagatel'nyh visenok, otdel'nye kapel'ki strematsa k tvoemu sokrovisu k tvoim neznym cut' raskryvsimsa ot negi gubkam, ty prosto bozestvenna ot teba prosto istocaet strast'u i zelaniem. .I tut szadi ty osusaes' neznyi pocelui cut' ponize spinki, ty vzdrognula, tak kak scitala cto ty odna, i tut neznye i sil'nye ruki obnimaut teba, ty hoces' povernut'sa, no a ne pozvolau tebe i sepcu tebe ctoby ty ne povoracivalas', ty cuvstvues' szadi nastoicivoe prikosnovenie moei ploti, ty resaes' rasslabit'sa i tut ze bezumnaa volna nesterpimogo zelania ohvatyvaet teba, ty cuvstvues' kak mezdu tvoih prekrasnyh nozek nacinaet razgorat'sa ogon', a moi ruki v trepetnom neterpenii issleduut tvoe laskovoe telo, moi pocelui osypaut tvou neznuu seiku, a......

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