About me
I have 56 years.
height 1.78 c.m. 5..9 pies
weight 75 k.g.
I'm single.
'm aquarium.
I was born on 11 February.
I have home ownership.
I have three ...s THEY ARE ...S AND FAMILY, 32,31,23
My wife died in 1993.
I'm looking to make a new family.
I have a cafe internet
I like reading, listening to music.
I'm outgoing, loving, faithful, honest.
I like to play with people and fewer lies.
I walk, I like cycling and the outdoors.
I live in Mexico City.
I like women.
I admire and respect.
I think that is a complement of man.
is not a slave or a piece of furniture in the house.
is entitled to be a woman and a wife and ....
I like to give my family time and space.
I'm not jealous. and I trust him like my wife.
I do not like shots, I like to respect women.
I do not ... ....
... smoke.
no ....
I'm Catholic, Apostolic and Roman
I have here a quiet life.
and I have a 80%.
I only need 20.
my dream is to take back a wife and so
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