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Lizunchikkk 45 yo
Astrological sign:
I am looking for a
  • Woman
  • Couple
  • Couple F+F
Preferred age
from 18 to 80 yo
Interested in
  • Friendship and chat
  • Love and relationships
  • Marriage and family
  • One-night stands
  • Regular sex partner
  • Virtual sex
  • Photo and video exchange
Marital status
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Material support
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Own automobile
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Not specified
Kuni. Sdelau sladkii kacestvennyi kuni krasivoi devuske. Casto devuskam ocen' hocetsa ostrogo udovol'stvia, polucit' osobennyi kuni, i...' sebe takogo ponimausego, uhozennogo ugodnika, k kotoromu mozno priehat', ctoby polucit' udovol'stvie, kogda zahocetsa bez obazatel'stv. Snacala nezno poglazu i poceluu v guby, polaskau grud', poglazu popu, zatem spusus' na kolenki, polaskau azyckom mezdu nozek, azyckom nezno gubki. V etot ...ent Vy pocuvstvuete priliv udovol'stvia. Zatem, slegka kasaas', polizu klitorocek, gluboko prorabotau azyckom Vasu pisecku i sladen'ko otlizu do relaksa. Zdes' Vy mozete egoisticno abstragirovat'sa ot mena, pit' kofe ili kurit' sigaretu, kovyrat'sa v telefone ili prosto rasslabit'sa i polucat' udovol'stvie dolgo, poka ne skazete hvatit ili poka ne koncite. Vzaimnost' pri etom ne trebuetsa. Vam budet pozvoleno vse. Seks s proniknoveniem clenom bez Vasego zelania isklucaetsa, tol'ko oral'nye laski azyckom.

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Viva The King of Sex

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