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04.09.13 15:47
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gfyathjd Friend list

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What is this emptiness inside of me?
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seks analny..mój mąż chce byśmy spróbowali..czy to boli i czy powinnam się obawiać? jakoś tak wydaje mi się to takie obrzydliwe
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I'm not looking for a knight in shining armour
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i am from turkey i am a dancer/barmaid
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give a gift
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je suis une femme tres serieuse
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Jeune fille de 23 ans cherche un mec ou couple tout age confondu
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glaube nicht mehr an die liebe. bin nun bereit für die ehe
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Ich liebe unzucht!
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Да, я беременна! Вам это мешает? Мне - нет. Парня нет
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What do you think? Would you like to see more?
1 20 of 100

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