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31.10.19 16:53
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Chci dát dívce erotickou masáž, po které budeme mít sex. I will have a good time with the girl, no matter how far you are

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Для серьёзных отношений ищу только cuckloda ,желательно БИ.Читайте стену
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Лиц кавказской национальности просьба не беспокоить.Мальчики хотите общаться или или знакомится порадуйте кредитами!
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виртуалы не интересны. Ищу любовника с мат поддержкой
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StandaQ Self-portrait

Standa 31 yo


Your favorite sex positions
let me show you :)
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
in search of such
Your top sexual fantasy
In the evening, a naked girl lies on her stomach, her butt is covered with a towel, I smear it with oil and do an hour, two erotic massage, from which she goes crazy and she reaches out to my cock in every possible way, and, if possible, gives a blowjob during a suitable pose, and then she tries in every possible way to make me enter her, after which funky sex begins, after which she will finish within an hour and experience a long orgasm.
Together we will lie to hell with emotions and fall asleep, and in the morning, she will unexpectedly massage my penis and give an amazing blowjob, after which there will again be sex if I do not finish earlier. In general, I want a lot of passion, so that we are filled with energy
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
Female support, understanding, devotion, frequent sex and vulgarity, sex, even when I do not want (but she tries so hard that I can’t refuse) The desire to travel and discuss the whole diversity of this world.
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
I like to watch movies, a lot of different music and also read books, especially on self-development and awareness of my soul and my I
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany
I want to see the whole world with a loved one
What do you do in your spare time?
I earn extra money at the computer, traveling anywhere where there is something new, beautiful, nature, animals. Meditation, yoga, sports, spending time with nice girls or the only one to devote all the time
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Not specified
What hobbies do you have?
Not specified
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
A tremendous journey in which I will leave with a girl and we will enjoy each other until dawn

Viva The King of Sex

Rules 00:41:32

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