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могу пообщатся в переписке когда свободна, но не со всеми,не встречусь.тг, скайпа и ватсапа у меня нет
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Тут остались реальные?! ☺️ Картинки и пустышки , Вам мимо…
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скучно. либо интересно подкатывайте либо дайте кридитов а то не интересно (
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Бесплатно ничего нет!Вирт_Мои контакты:Вайбер 380984991627 Вацап 380688084702 Телеграм @Lolineznaya скайп damienredkelly

NitroDreamer Self-portrait

NitroDreamer 59 yo


Your favorite sex positions
I don't know.... I'm sure there's at least 100 I haven't tried yet
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
When I was 13 with a girl who lived not far from me, my age.... in her room with a family friend much older sitting on the other side of the wall.
Your top sexual fantasy
Hard to pick just one....... anything other than plain old missionary would be nice. Being watched and filmed for the internet by a third party ( Who maybe joins in later) with a willing partner would be hot though.
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
Easier to say what it has. But yea. It lacks just about everything.
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
Song of Ice & Fire series by George R R Martin. Any movie that isn't not "stupid" comedy, Country music(old and new) mostly, but I like older rock and easy listening. never really got into the arts..... culture is for pearls and yogurt.
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
Hmmmm . Long list but here goes; Been to: Greece, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, USA, France, Spain, England, Scotland, UAE, Africa, Belgium,and I'm sure a few others but I can't remember which ones. (Must not have been that memorable I guess.
Would like to visit: Australia, Russia, Japan, China, Holland. And maybe a few more, but can't think of any names right now.
What do you do in your spare time?
Gardening, cycling, camping, and fishing. Also like to do renovations and build things when it's not a "chore"
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
Honesty in life, a sense of humor, and a sense of adventure both in the bedroom and out of it.
What hobbies do you have?
I collect coffee cups from all the places I've been. Panties too if I can get them. ;) And as for the rest.. see above.
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
Greatest disappointment: Losing both my parents only 9 months apart.
Greatest joy: Watching both my sons be born 20+ years ago.

Viva The King of Sex

Smeen 24

Rules 00:05:57

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