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Бесплатно ничего нет.Pолевушки онлайн.Вайбер 380985130557 Вацап 380500763013 Телеграмм @Allisochka37 Скайп nirovevgeniy
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БЕСПЛАТНО НИЧЕГО НЕТ. Виртик Вайбер +380989066528 вацап +380967150042 @banHoney
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Хочу за городом, замужем

DmitrijCalgary Self-portrait

Dmitrij 32 yo


Your favorite sex positions
dogi style, rider when she lies on her stomach, missionary, with legs up and others.
What is the most unusual sexual experience you have had?
had sex in a public place without being seen
Your top sexual fantasy
two women of 30-40 years old in oil rub their sexual bodies against me, caress my cock with their hands and breasts, after which they suck my cock together and then I enter them one by one as I wish.
Does your offline relationship lack anything?
I don't have them
Music, movies, books and other arts you enjoy
Marvel. Harry Potter. Fantastic. Mystical ++
Countries you have been to, Countries you would like to visit.
I'm from Ukraine myself. I was in Poland, Germany, Canada. but I want to see the USA, Australia, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Latin America, Mexico
What do you do in your spare time?
barbecue, ride around the city, walk the streets on foot or by bike, skiing, snowboarding, billiards, bowling, cinema, sex.
What qualities in men and women do you find most important?
loyalty, femininity, tactility, kindness, empathy, zest, beauty, sexuality, openness, style, desire for a man.
I am not interested in men.
What hobbies do you have?
fishing, tattoos, games, etc.
The greatest disappointment and the greatest joy in your life
after 10 years of married life, they told me that I'm just not someone else's person.
I flew to the country of my dreams - Canada

Viva The King of Sex

ceed578 42

Rules 00:19:17

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